

Social Business

Hand Towel Business

We provide solutions as services that can achieve various goals such as
customer satisfaction, CO² reduction, business improvement, and cost reduction.

We will solve your concerns

  • Want to increase customer satisfaction
  • Want to reduce costs
  • Want to address issues related to the use of multiple wipes
  • Want to deal with vinyl waste (such as falling issues when removing)
  • Have previously discarded vinyl-type wipes due to drying out
  • It’s troublesome to constantly change sanitizing liquids

FromG-Hand will solve all of these concerns.

FromG-Hand is a fully automatic wet towel machine that produces high-quality paper towels,
offering the desired length, moisture level, and heat function to enhance user satisfaction.

Roll Paper

The roll paper is made from non-woven fabric using rayon fibers. Rayon fiber is a type of regenerated fiber created by chemically processing wood pulp fibers. Like cotton and linen, it is made from cellulose. This material is environmentally friendly as it naturally decomposes due to the biodegradability of cellulose fibers when disposed of, returning to the soil. It also leaves little residue when incinerated, making it suitable for disposal as combustible waste.

*Any malfunctions caused by using rolls other than the designated ones will not be covered by warranty. Please use the specified rolls.

Exclusive Sanitizing Water
Powerful, broad-spectrum disinfection with long-lasting antibacterial effects.

The key ingredient in Sheer Citra, "GSE," is an oil-like extract derived from squeezing the seeds of grapefruit. The grapefruits used are not for consumption but are from a strain with densely packed seeds, making them extremely potent. It is 100% natural and additive-free, so it is also used as a food additive (an existing additive). There are no allergens (since the fruit and peel are not included), and it is non-irritating, so it does not sting if it comes into contact with eyes or wounds. In some countries, it is even taken as a supplement or used as a treatment.


Sheer Citra is made from an oil-like extract squeezed from grapefruit seeds and water, and it is 100% natural and additive-free.

[Disinfection Power]

Compared to alcohol-based disinfectants, hypochlorous acid water, ozone, and photocatalysts, Sheer Citra covers a wider range of bacteria. It can disinfect over 800 types of bacteria and viruses, as well as more than 100 types of fungi, including spore-forming bacteria.

[Antibacterial Power]

Unlike alcohol disinfectants, hypochlorous acid water, or ozone, which disinfect only at the moment of use, Sheer Citra offers long-lasting antibacterial effects.


The disinfection speed is also fast, sanitizing within seconds.

Usage Scenarios

Airports and lounges / Daycares and preschools / Hotel buffet areas / Dental clinics / Hotel drink lounges / Restaurants / Hotel check-in services / Amusement facilities / Fitness clubs / Sports gyms / Golf practice ranges / Offices / Beauty salons / Nail salons / Nursing homes / Hospitals, and more.

Total Cost Reduction

  • Consumption of only the required amount
  • Much cheaper than cloth wipes
  • No need to hold any excess inventory

Improved Satisfaction for Customers & Employees

  • Higher quality than vinyl wipes
  • Unbelievably high quality for paper, providing full satisfaction with just one sheet

SDGs: Addressing Environmental Issues

  • Reduction of vinyl waste
  • Reduction of CO² emissions

SDGs: Social Contribution

  • Adoption of a donation scheme that provides medical care and water to Sudan and Zambia

Reduced Workload for Employees

  • No need to sort vinyl waste
  • Eliminates the issue of vinyl waste
    scattering during cleanup
  • Significant reduction in storage space for inventory

We offer on-site (or online) demonstrations for you to experience and evaluate our product.
This not only helps reduce costs but also enhances customer satisfaction, addresses environmental concerns, and improves employee satisfaction!

*For demo requests or evaluation inquiries, please feel free to contact us through the form below.